Thursday, 30 June 2016

Week Two: Concrete Piering and Slab Prep

And we're rocketing along. Popped down this morning to check on the progress, and we're a little excited about this development. Nothing had initially happened since last week's update, so was very happy to spot the trucks and machinery this morning.

We also received our email this week that confirmed we'd officially moved into construction.

Here are this week's pictures.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Week One: Site Scraped and Leveled


Okay, we're officially into week one of construction. I'll attempt to do a weekly progress update from here. Email received this week from Wisdom confirming that we've officially moved into construction.

Hubby headed off to work on Tuesday morning and noticed a Wisdom ute turning into our estate. Thought it was interesting.

I did a drive-by the same afternoon to find that the site had been scraped and leveled, ready for plumbing and slab. Nice!

We haven't heard from our site supervisor yet, I'm guessing we'll hear in the next week or two. I'm told to expect an expected move-in date around now, so looking forward to hearing that (as well as the inevitable future forehead slaps due to more 'delays').

Oh well... gotta have hope!

Some photos:

Friday, 17 June 2016

All Wrapped Up

Variations are paid, sign is up and we have excavation starting next week. Happy days! Heres some pics of our sign, our final plans and final documents.
Pretty sign...

Final Floorplan



Roof Pitch

 Colour Selections Exterior

 External Paint Colours

 Door Colours

 Internal Colours

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Insert Excited Expletive Here!

An absolute explosion of activity this week. Very happy to see that Wisdom responded to my concerns and went above and beyond to get the ball rolling. Again, special thanks to our Wisdom CSR super-star LS, who will be getting a mighty-big bunch of flowers at the end of this. Incredibly organised and brilliant at what she does. Great communication.

 So, the week that was...

  • Sunday: sent an email requesting some clarification of what we can expect time-wise. As promised, I put on my cranky-pants.

  • Monday: email returned, passed onto relevant department. Solution is reached, whereby we'll pay for the sewer encasement part of our final variation BEFORE the End Panel has been received, to ensure that work is finished and ready for builders.

  • Tuesday: Fences arrive.

  • Wednesday: Cheque drawn, dropped off to Wisdom on Wednesday Afternoon.

  • Thursday: Plumbers arrive, sewer encasement begins.

  • Friday: Sewer encasement continues, portaloo arrives. End panel and final documentation arrives via email.

I've never been so relieved to see a big pile of dirt!

Here are some pictures of the progress this week.