Thursday, 22 September 2016

Week Fourteen: Waterproofing, Plumbing/Electrical and Timber Cladding

Still moving along at a good pace but a much slower week than usual. The waterproofing in the wet areas was done this week. We also have had plumbers and electricians in and out getting everything ready for the kitchen/bathroom fit outs next week.

Rocked up today not expecting anything and the timber cladding had been applied. I'm really rapt with how it looks. We'd assumed the cladding would be smooth, but it has a grooved 3D effect. I think it looks amazing.

On school holidays now so looking forward to seeing the progress over the next two weeks :-)

Some pictures...

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Week Thirteen: External Doors, Internal Doors and Architraves Arrive

Our beautiful Hume Linwood One doors arrived this week and have been hung to the door frames. I'm so happy to see them, we have six in total. We've paid to have them in the main bedroom, home theatre, internal laundry, storeroom/garage access and the two pantry doors.

My initial thoughts were painting them a rick chocolate brown, but I'm now having second thoughts. Perhaps a light stain over the top keeping them to a similar colour as they are displayed raw. Not sure? Got 3-4 months to make up my mind!

Our front door is on now too, looks great. We are now officially locked out, since all sliding doors and internal doors have keyed locks.

You can also see that the pillars are nowpainted (Dune). Pretty...

Next week, the waterproofing will begin. The bathroom vanities will also be installed, so looking forwards to seeing the colour of the laminex in the flesh.

2nd last progress payment was sent off today. Only one to go, which is the practical completion payment. Hoorah!

Front Door (Hume Savoy XS)

Internal garage/storeroom Door (Linwood One) and External Laundry Door (Leading out onto Alfresco)
Kitchen Pantry Doors (Linwood One).

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Week Twelve: Gyprocking, Cornices and Rendering

Huge week!

Our SS mentioned that the gyprock trades would be onsite over the next two weeks. They apparently requested exclusive access to the site over the course of these two weeks, meaning that no other work can be done.

We were surprised to find them there first thing Monday, and by Monday evening they had knocked over most of the internal walls! The boys were nice enough to let me onsite to take some photos. Thanks guys!

They were finished with the walls by Tuesdays. I arrived Wednesday to find the front portico had been rendered. Wasn't expecting that!

By Friday, the cornices were being attached. The build is absolutely flying! Garage door and front door should be arriving in the next week or two, as will the kitchen.

Our build contract takes us just past Christmas, but we're well ahead of the anticipated schedule so we're hoping to be in by Christmas. Well, a girl can dream, can't she!

Some photos...

Week Eleven: Cladding, Eaves and Insulation

Busy week. We had the cladding attached under the eaves. The insulation trades also arrived and were busy little bees. Our lounge room had the sound-proofing applied and more electrical stuff happened. Very exciting!

Some pictures...