Friday, 29 July 2016

Week Six: Roof Trusses and Bricks Arrive

We had a quiet week, where nothing much at all happened (apart from the security fence falling down for the gazillionth time).  Interestingly, I did a drive-by on Friday and noticed that the bricks had been delivered, as well as a cement mixer. We also had a new power-box installed.

Drove by today and the place was a hive of activity. Roof trusses were well underway, brickies had arrived to move the bricks into piles around the house and the plumbers were there installing the roof plumbing connections and gas pipes.

Brickies will be starting on Monday and we've also been told that the colorbond roof wont be too long after. Steaming towards lock-up stage!

Here are some images from our Saturday afternoon visit. Our youngest shat his pants soon after arriving so we couldn't stay long ;-)



  1. haha love your blog and your candid comment about your youngest. my youngest (18 month old) always takes her early-afternoon nap in my car on weekends so you can guess where I drive to...

    1. Hey Shudda!
      Just noticed this! Haha, yes our block is a 5 minute drive from where we're living, so we do the same ;-)
